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September 19, 2003: As has been mentioned by Nick Doggendorf in the forums, there's been a marked increase in filesize per comic since I swapped to color. Turns out that it gets a little hefty for PNGs when I try to maintain the same level of detail I usually do. Sorry about that. I'll try to keep the filesize down, but I'm not sure if I'll always be able to if I've got a complex scene to draw... (No, I'm not switching to JPEG or, heaven forbid, GIF... I like to maintain quality) Spam out. September 4, 2003: The DMR's got some new members. Say hi.
Spam out. September 3, 2003: Now, see, I'm finally going to color. Hopefully it'll keep up and I'll get faster at it. I'm in the dorms now. Lacking the hour-long commute each way to class should give me more time. That and the lack of work during the week. Comics should come faster now. I'd like to thank Matt Trepal, Nick Doggendorf, and Jesse "MrKraw" Barton for giving me guest strips for the past couple weeks. I needed the time to tool up for color, and you folk pulled through. Thanks, guys. Sorry, I can't pay you. The list's reset over at Buzzcomix. I'm going to a color strip, so why not show your appreciation by voting? Or at least just go out and spread the word? That's kinda why I'm over at Buzzcomix in the first place... Look... I'm back in class, right? And I doodle in my notes, right? So here's the deal: I scan my doodles and put them up as bonuses for voting. You vote, you get doodles. Fair enough? I'll have doodles at a rate of at most one per day (since you can only vote once per day). Might be less. But they should be interesting. So vote! What've you got to lose? Three more DMR entries coming soon. Spam out. September 1, 2003: Here's a third guest strip. One by MrKraw of Ask Dr. Science. He might have more en route. Never know. Spam out. |
August 27, 2003: Aaaaaaand here's another guest strip. Everybody say hey to Nick Doggendorf and the two other strips he draws, Sometimes Science Sucks and S.U.I.T.S.! Thankee kindly, Nick! One more on Friday, I reckon. Spam out. August 25, 2003: Get this. New section in Beans. The Guest Strips (incoming) section. Three guesses as to why I started it. Thankee, Matt Trepal! Spam out. August 4, 2003: More link pimpin'. I've signed up to be listed over at OnlineComics.net. I won't be there for a few days, but I'll be there. Fantasy category. Look me up. Mark me as a favorite. You know you want to. Soon, I'll sign up at Fantasy Lair. Hey, it's a fantasy comic, the place was made for fantasy comics, it should all work out, right? Right. Spam out. Update: I'm listed now. Check it out. |
July 29, 2003: The fun NEVER stops! I've been overly active in drawing recently, and it shows. Check out Catharsis for today (er... July 29, 2003)! I've got a guest strip up! The equivilant entry is also up in Guest Strips. Spam out. July 28, 2003: Hey. More Fanart in Beans. Enjoy! Spam out. July 27, 2003: New pic in Beans, Gallery section. It's a nighttime city pic that I've been mulling over for a while now. I had Matt and Alex in that pose, waiting for a background until now. And now it's there. So hey! Go check it out. Let me know what you think. Also, the next couple weeks or so will be Break Time. No actual plot will be taking place until I resume with Chapter 2: The Perfect Equinox Festival. So, if you're new here, you've got a nice amount of time to rifle through the archives before the plot starts again. And if you're not new, you've got a couple weeks of Artist strips to take your mind off Howard getting captured, Marzos and Ogin still on the loose, the spell Marzos cast on Matt... Spam out. July 20, 2003: I'll run out of improvements soon, trust me. I should have a new box running in the QuickSketch Comics bit in the not-too-distant future. The Gallery section of Beans has the full-size version of it. I think my celshading skills are improving. Also, I have a nicely Nasal Fly-infested bCx vote button on top. Much better than the ugly text links, right? Right. Spam out. July 19, 2003: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you... ...prompted by new fanart by JB of Catharsis... ...the grand opening of... ...the Beans section. Spam out. July 18, 2003: Don't say I never do anything for you. Please don't. C'mon. Please? For the benefit of browsers with broken PNG support (i.e. anyone who saw ugly grey borders around the site images), I've reworked all the images so that they no longer use alpha layers to do the job. Thus, they should all appear in their properly black glory. This includes cast pics and the BanterBit comment image. This, of course, does not include the site icon, because people using said broken browser wouldn't see that anyhoo. For the benefit of everyone else, I've made all the site images interlaced PNGs. See? Something for everyone, right? I'll soon have a good replacement for the ugly text link to bCx's voting bit above. Just, y'know, so you know. Spam out. July 10, 2003: I'm working on the updates... I was expecting to have Wednesday off of work, but they shanghaied me into working anyhoo... I'm not done reorganizing the main page. You'll note the month's calendary thing is next to the nav buttons, where it should be, really. Also, the Daily Morning Ritual is no longer here, it's just in the Links section. I figured that loading all those buttons was getting a bit cumbersome, not only for the low-bandwidth among us, but also the folk with less-than-up-to-the-millisecond computers, like me. Plus, it was extending the main news table something awful. Which brings me to my next point, I'm only keeping, say, the most recent two newsy bits on the main page at a time. Smaller main page makes happier lower-end computers. Also makes less clutter, which is good for people who like minimalistic websites, like me. Simple is good. I'm not done yet. Sit down. The Daily Morning Ritual, while only appearing in the Links section, has been updated. Three comics have been removed:
Two more have been added:
Far as I know, that's about it. Updates shall be forthcoming. And I'm working on a new pic for my QSC box. Full-color. I'll post the full version here when I'm done, which will officially mark the opening of the Beans section. Spam out. July 9, 2003: I'm getting CONSISTENT, just not REGULAR with my updates. Maybe I should make the update schedule Monday, Thursday, Saturday. Naaah. New link on the side. Turns out I made it to the Keenspace All-Stars list. And it's because of someone ELSE nominating me. How 'bout that, huh? So, I decided to stick a link to them over on the side. And rearrange some of the other things. KSA kicks major arse. They use PNGs with transparencies. That rules. And they have this thing where you can nominate up to ten of your favorite Keenspace comics for the All-Stars list. So go check 'em out. It's getting fairly crowded over there... maybe if I moved the Daily Morning Ritual to the bottom of the page and cut down on overall news? Any opinions? Hello? Is this thing on? Oh, and it's the DoM's 1-year anniversary tomorrow, starting from the intro pages. I'll celebrate on Friday's comic, whenever it gets up. Spam out. July 8, 2003: Our next exhibit is by a good friend of mine, JB of Catharsis. You'll notice a smallish box on the side that links to the QuickSketch Comics box. Yes, it's a spiffing Keenspot newsbox-like thing that oughta help with the advertising and such. How 'bout that? Anyhoo, take some time to look around the other comics in the rotation. It's a Javascript-assisted randomizer. Written fairly simply, so it oughta work on any browsers. Including that weird "Internet Explorer" everyone keeps talking about. I dunno, I just use a Mozilla variant. And yes, I'll work on the site layout so it won't look so bloody crowded. Spam out. July 4, 2003: Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans. Sorry, I forgot to mention that July 3 was my birthday. Should've brought that up ahead of time. What I WILL mention now is that the DoM's one-year anniversary is next week. Anyone care to celebrate the first birthday of the best webcomic not many people read? Coming up soon will be enough of a break so I can do odd things outside of the plot. One of these things might be a mailbag period, if I actually get good questions to answer in-comic. Well... that is to say, good questions I can reasonably make silly comics out of in an effort to answer them. Any questions so far? Drop an email or hit the forum and ask away. If you've got a good question which I can't answer in-comic, I'll answer it personally instead. Cool? Cool. Of course, no questions at all means no mailbag session, and that'd just be sad. Spam out. July 2, 2003: Well, the list over at BuzzComix has reset for the month. I got up around 16th place for the month. Thankee to all who voted! But, you know what this means, the list has reset, so you've all gotta start voting some more. Sorry, that's just the way it works. C'mon, I'm only on one list. It's fun! Really! Let's shoot for the top 10 this month, alright? Higher places mean I stand a chance of attracting more visitors! This helps give me more confidence in my craft, which will, in turn, help me make better comics AND make them more often and on time and such! Even full-page color bits and other nifty things! And it might start discussions in the forum! All this just for votes! Spam out. |
June 13, 2003: Here's the deal. Summer's coming up. Summer, for me, means one thing: More work. As those who frequent my LiveJournal know, work means less comics AND more miserable Spam. Now, with the whole bit about me not being able to draw as much, this comes to a bad problem with me keeping up with the comic. So, the plans for the summer are that the update schedule will fall to MWF updates. This is the plan. It should pick back up when classes start again. Weird how I've got more time to draw when class is in session, isn't it? Spam out. June 9, 2003: Yeah, I'm behind again. It happens. I'm sorry. Now would you please start voting again? Please? C'mon. I've gotten a couple bits of fanart recently. Ordinarily, they'd go in the Beans section, but I've been stalling that out until I had another full-page color dealie to go up. But, if I get more fanart like this, I'll open the section up with what I've got. Hint hint. And as soon as I pick a good organizational method for it. Anyhoo, the fanart bits? They're nifty buggers, lemme tell you...
Spam out. |
May 29, 2003: Adam's Road Gang returns on Monday. I'm telling you this for your own good. After an extended hiatus, Adam's Road Gang returns on Monday. Spam out. May 27, 2003: I'm just FULL of wacky ideas today! I've joined the buzzComix Top 100 Comics Rankie-Votie Thingie just today. So please, if you feel the urge, give me a vote every day or so! Spam out. May 19, 2003: Want ANOTHER wacky idea? Would anyone care to give a mention/vote/nomination/whatever for the DoM over at the Keenspace AllStars? Spam out. May 17, 2003: Friday's strip will be up sooner or later. Fell behind due to a harsh nocturnal/diurnal switch. Now here's a wacky idea: The 2003 Cartoonist's Choice Awards are coming up. And if that wasn't wacky enough, how about doing something REALLY wacky this year and nominate/vote for the DoM in a category or two? Like, say, Outstanding Newcomer or Outstanding Writing or something like that? Please? I don't ask for much in the range of my ego, but c'mon. Oi... nomination phase is over now. Spam out. May 6, 2003: It needed updating. The Daily Morning Ritual has been increased once again. If you don't already, everyone go read Doctor Fun, Breakfast at Timpani's, 8 O'Clock Classes, Xorph, Schlock Mercenary, and Fans!, because I said so. All spiffing. Details are, as usual, in the Links page. I've gotta clean it up eventually... Backlog now stretches to Friday. Spam out. May 4, 2003: Well, bang goes my "No holes in the archives" theory... Check it out on the side, there. Graphical link dealies. If your webcomic's got a link button (small, preferably) that I haven't snagged yet, let me know. I sorted them out on the main page in terms of comics with graphical buttons comics without. The ones without got lost in the shuffle otherwise. Spam out. |
April 23, 2003: Oh, and a new Artist link banner in Links. I'm now exactly two weeks behind, but still holding up with daily updates, kinda sorta. Spam out. |
March 29, 2003: For your cast piccing pleasure, there's now a cast pic for Nicholas Killewald (aka The Aritst, aka me). Enjoy with glad tidings and fun and such. In good time, once I've got another full-page pic that's NOT a cast pic complete, I'll open the Beans section. Then you can enjoy all the wacky fun of big ol' full-color pics and any guest strips I've done, as well as stuff that people have done for me (Believe it or not). Fun for all! Spam out. March 17, 2003: I'm working on it, I'm working on it. In other news... check it out, yo. Adam's Road Gang finally fixed their archive problems! The comic is alive again (Though still on hiatus... but Will knows how to go on hiatus in style). So hey, hit up the archives! Spam out. |
February 24, 2003: Hey. Everyone must read Boxjam's Doodle right now. It's his 1,000th strip today. w00t! 1,000 strips and the comic's still got the same heart and soul it's always had. Congrats, Boxjam! Spam out. February 21, 2003: Y'know, I'm gonna really have to think out where I want this plot to end up. Well, I know where I want it to end up, I just don't know how to get there. I'll think of something. In other news, there's a new cast page for Cy, Eddie, and Winslow. No pics. Spring Break next week, I might be able to catch up, build a backlog, and get some cast pics going on. Also, a new Phinnalicious banner in Links. Spam out. February 18, 2003: Oi. Nutter. Keenspace's autoupdater's at it again, I see. If my archives look warped, it's because the autoupdate went all screwy. Nothing I can do about it until they get things fixed, I'm afraid. Spam out. UPDATE, Feb 19: Okay, looks like everything's back to normal. I think. Enjoy! February 9, 2003: That's it, I give up. No more Banner Club ad if they're not going to update it OR reply to email. The page should now load a bit faster, given you no longer make a connection to the Banner Club site. If the Banner Club people are reading this: Your email obviously isn't working, else you would've replied to my mail, right? Contact me. In other news, one new bit added to About. Explaining my somewhat bizzare update schedule. Spam out. February 3, 2003: Hey now, it's the beginning of the month again, time to go over the ol' logs, huh? Well, it WOULD be, except the massive Keenspace crash has killed off the logs. I've got log info up to the 22nd (though accurate logs only go to the 21st), and then it kinda drops to zero with no current data for Februrary. In any event, it's an average of 53 visits per day for the data they DO have. A nice number, nearly the same as last month. I plan on gettin' my comic pimpin' skillz ON soon. And ditch the Banner Club banner, it's been freaking MONTHS since I've requested anything, they still haven't responded to email, and I'm still not in rotation. Spam out. |
January 26, 2003: (or whenever Keenspace gets alive again) Well, hi there! How's your webserver been doing lately? Ah, good, good... say! I've got a WACKY story to tell you about what happened to Keenspace over the weekend! Long story short, I haven't been able to update for a few days due to Keenspace going urpy (I've got the comics! It's not my fault this time! BWA ha ha ha ha). If you're seeing this message, chances are you're seeing the right comic. Or not, it's hard to predict. At any rate, we SHOULD be beyond the comic where we discover it's Vince at the bar lamenting about his life. But, let's move on to more cheerful news. A new comic has entered the Daily Morning Ritual. Everyone, take a road trip with Adam's Road Gang. The strip that proves your characters really DON'T need to have anything in common with each other to make a good comic. Enjoy! Spam out. January 21, 2003: w00t! I'm caught up again! Spam out. January 3, 2003: Sorry, I'm WORKING on getting caught up... I may open the Beans section soon with random artwork I've scratched out for the DoM. Of course, since Beans is the general miscellaneous section, that's where fanart's going, too, both incoming and outgoing. Stay chooned. Spam out. January 1, 2003: Happy New 365.25 Day Cycle to you all! Time to go over the ol' logs, then, right? For December of 2002, I averaged 51 visits per day (peaks at December 1 (119), December 3 (185), and December 9 (109)). Quite much better. Even throwing out the outliers, I had around 40 or so per day. Granted, if I don't get back in gear and catch up-to-date with my comics, I can imagine that number will drop. I have the day off work tonite, I should be able to get back on track. Spam out. |
December 25, 2002: Well, maybe it is a special Christmas strip. Oops. Merry Whatever You Celebrate, If Anything to you all anyhoo! Spam out. December 22, 2002: Now, everyone, check on October 17, 2002's comic for Link To The Boards. NOW. Read carefully. I feel proud. Thankee, Josh! Spam out. December 19, 2002: There. I'm caught up again. Boyakasha! Spam out. December 13, 2002: Oh, hey. No, I'm not still bitter over the lack of turnout. Just haven't had anything newsworthy recently. Finals are this week and next at Oakland University, so strips may be late. But, I refuse to allow holes in my archives, so I'll fill everything in by the time all is said and done. How 'bout that, huh? Spam out. December 1, 2002: Welp, it's December, time to look over the ol' logs again. For the month of November, I averaged 25 visits per day. This, of course, counts such things as the Keenspace Guide auto-finding one of the DoM link banners and such like that. And oddly, I got a few people who found my site via the outrageously massive Keenspace Dropdown. At least, that's the only possible link I could find on the referer's sites that led to me. I thought that dropdown was deprecated. But anyhoo, 25 visits per day, down from 26 in October. 25 per day. Geez. Maybe I could get more advertising out if the Banner Club ever updated again (It's been about a month or two and the list of banners hasn't updated at all, let alone added mine, and what's more, they aren't responding to email), but besides that, how am I gonna get more folk in here? Or am I just being impatient? Spam out. |
November 28, 2002: Happy Thanksgiving. I had no special Thanksgiving comic planned, I'm afraid. Oops. It's hard to do these things when the world the comic takes place in doesn't celebrate realworld holidays and I don't want to interrupt the plot with myself too often. Anyhoo, the newest news is an addition to the Daily Morning Ritual. Everyone, give a nice warm welcome to Catharsis. What else can I say about it than "delightfully sarcastic"? Well worth your reading. Spam out. November 26, 2002: Er... if you start getting bizzare symbols and late updates and such like that this week, Keenspace is moving servers (yes, AGAIN). So, bear with it, I guess. November 15, 2002: Hey, THIS time I found a dropdown that's actually active and updated! I'm now listed in the newly christened Keendom Dungeons dropdown for fantasy, medival, magic, etc, that sort. And hey! There it is on the side! Now to get on the Keenspace Banner Club's case to update the banner list so my banners start cycling in... Spam out. November 8, 2002: Oh, yes... did I mention Labgoats, Inc. is alive again, THIS time with a new layout and everything? That's right. From the depths of the labs, it's alive! IT'S ALIVE! BWA HA HA HA HA HA *CHOOM*!!!! Also, the Cast pages have been updated. Howard, Ethyl, Queen Breznial, and Quertia now have pages. No, I still don't have any more pictures to show. Sorry. Spam out. |
October 19, 2002: Well, it's slowly and fairly unsteadily becoming Autumn here in Fraser, MI, USA. The days are getting more humid, the leaves are changing colors, and the rain makes a horrifying stench when combined with leaves, leaked motor oil, etc. It's beautiful. What I'm getting at is that it's strange that in the DoM, it still seems like Spring/Summer, what with the not-Autumn conditions and all. For starters, I'm not about to swap seasons in the middle of a storyline unless passage of time calls for it (Yes, we're still in the middle of the "Magic Mushrooms" plot). That's a bit obvious; unless you just HAPPEN to be Monty Python, you can't rationally change seasons in the middle of someone walking on a trail. And there was much rejoicing. Of course, once this plot is over, it may not cycle to Autumn/Winter when the next plot comes up, either. Why not? Well, I'm still new at this and all. Sure, I can probably draw snow and barren winter trees and such with little problem, but drawing autumn colors in greyscale is a pain, and all those leaves on the ground, the subtle seasonal differences in the air and such... egad, call me back next year when I might be a better artist. And that's not even mentioning making sure all my plots work when exposed to snow... get back with me later, I'll get better, I swear. Spam out. October 17, 2002: Is it obvious yet that the style of some of my banter bits was inspired by Howard Tayler's notes in Schlock Mercenary? Two more comics hit the Daily Morning Ritual... Dick! and Snail Dust. Dick's a normal school guy in a school comic that's NOT about games. Snail Dust is your typical story of a girl who has a two-foot sentient snail made out of dust as her pet. Both are well worth your time. Both are hilarious. And hey, pimp the comic out to your friends! Hit up the forum or drop me a message! Show me you care, right? Spam out. |
September 30, 2002: Wahey! Check this, the artist of City of ASCII noticed that I read the comic, and gave me a link in the news! City of ASCII's a purely ASCII art webcomic, so it's well worth your time to read it. It's always impressed me what people can do with ASCII art and how they can make some mighty fine stuff with such a limited set of tools. ASCII art rules you. September 20, 2002: Hey. The scanner arrived. I can now scan in bliss once again. And I spent all of tonight on a suicide rush to get everything scanned and texted. Which is a pain, since I'm doing a bit more with text bubbles in these comics. Ow. September 17, 2002: Stand by... September 11, 2002: After confirming that today IS only September 11 and not September 12, I stopped to wonder just why Keenspace double-updated my comic and put up both September 11 AND September 12. Huh. Oh, well, you get two days of comic today, and none tomorrow. September 9, 2002: Look up! The Keenspace Banner Club! It's not under the main ad due to a conversation in the Help Forum about how ads aren't supposed to be 'stacked'. Oh, well. Might be a bit of time before I'm in, though. September 6, 2002: Hokay... welcome to a new plotline. This one should go considerably faster than the first one. That is to say, it might be longer, but it should accomplish more. The Cast page has been updated! I only have one new cast pic, though, and that's Phinn. Ah, well. Enjoy the details I couldn't fit in the strips. September 4, 2002: Backlog now goes until the end of next week. I'm working on it... |
August 29, 2002: I've got a few more comics waiting to be scanned, so the backlog will be extended soon. I've got it on somewhat good authority that the maintainer of the Kingdoms of Keenspace dropdown hasn't been responding to emails for quite some time. Makes sense, his comic's been down for the past year. So, that dropdown's a bust. If I used GIMP and Kontour for all my textwork, I'd look into OpenKeen, but alas, I still use Paint Shop Pro. The vector layer support it has is very nice. Maybe I'll join the Keenspace Banner Club. I would like to advertise in free ways. And if Keenspace Newsbox signup would BLOODY WELL EVER come back up... August 24, 2002: The Cast page will be updated with new characters after everyone's introduced. However, I don't have fullcolor pics of all of them yet. I'm working on it. Alright, the FreshKeen dropdown goes bye-bye. August 16, 2002: Did I say the 6th? Sorry, now it's September 9, 2002. Yes, that's not exactly a good drawing rate, but I assure everyone, it'll speed back up to at least one comic per day when school starts again. It's just that work always puts me off the mood to draw, and during the summer, I work 40 hour weeks. In a grocery store. If anyone has an entry-level sysadmin or coding job in the Southeastern Michigan area, bloody hell, tell me! Now, I'm including ALL of the morning ritual on the mini comic link section on the side. The full descriptions are still in Links. Newest entries are Dunn Boyz, City of ASCII, Bob and George, and Lost & Found Investigations. I swear, if I don't hear back from the FreshKeen dropdown soon, I'm deep-sixing the dropdown from the side. It'll be a moot point anyhoo, since I won't be new anymore. No matter, after this plot and the next one are done, I'll hit up the Kingdoms of Keenspace dropdown for a spot. And the Keenspace Banner Club. Spam out. August 12, 2002: The backlog has been extended to September 6, 2002. That SHOULD give me enough time to get back to class, which, in turn, gives me more time to do comics. They should come faster then. August 6, 2002: I especially like today's (August 6, not exactly TODAY, per se) comic. The expressions just worked so well. :-) Now, one other note here, I might swap between 4-panel and 6-panel formats for whatever reason I choose. Hey, it's my comic, my choice. If I can't hammer everything I need into four panels, it goes to six. So there. I'll get some full-color pics going on soon. Then I can start populating the Beans section. August 2, 2002: Four more comics are patiently waiting to be scanned now. A fifth is en route, once I figure out exactly how to introduce Cesol. I was thinking of joining the Keenspace Banner Club and get myself all clubbed up and such. That's one reason I've got a banner handy in the Links page. Trick is, I know my good buddy Petie from Labgoats, Inc. joined it recently, but I've not seen his banner pop up yet, viewing from the main Banner Club page (I took note that if he set it up right, his ad should not appear on his comic). Thus, I'm not joining it until I see his banner pop up, which will convince me the Club is still maintained. Though, it looks like they just had an update recently... Anyhoo, I'm working on new banners. One with Alex, one with myself (The Artist, the guy in the Standby comic at the beginning), and maybe one with just text on it. All while listening to trancy music. Or Brian Adams. Or TMBG. Or maybe even the B-52s. I'm weird with my music. |
July 29, 2002: At present, there are enough comics queued up to last until August 29, 2002. Also at present, I'm trying to build my momentum back up. It's a bit hard coming along, as the current string of comics I'm drawing introduces new characters (Matt and Alex's fellow villagers), many of whom I've never drawn in my life. I've just had the idea of who the characters are with little clue as to how they look. That's kinda how I work. However, this shouldn't concern you that much, as I should be out of that plotline soon (I can only think of four or five more characters I need to introduce at that point), so it'll be back to drawing characters I'm a bit more familiar with. Plus, school should be starting around then, ironically giving me more time to do comics. Yes, whereas many other comics take serious hits in update frequency when school starts up due to lack of scanner access or lack of time to do anything, I wind up with MORE time. Funny, isn't it? Anyhoo, August 29, 2002. That's the current stretch of the backlog. More en route. Two more right now, really, if I scan them. (I really need a more eye-catching news area, but this'll have to do for now) July 18, 2002:So now we're in the comic strips. Woo! Jacob's actually vaguely cooperating with Alex and there's some concept of where Matt is! How IS Matt doing, anyhoo? And use the forum! Ask questions! Talk! C'mon! Just remember forum ID 774... it's 774tastic! July 15, 2002:Autokeen found me! Yay! And look at this, I now have a forum for all your forummy needs! Now THAT'S entertainment! Today's comic, by the by, marks the end of the horrid full-page comics. Next is the 4 panel horizontal strips, and after this plotline, next are the 2x2 strips. July 13, 2002:I swear, never fails. I send a support request wondering why dementia.keenspace.com doesn't always resolve properly, and it suddenly starts resolving properly. Arrrrrrg... (insert comedic scenes of confusion here as help@ can't figure out what I'm whining about) I just hope they don't ream me for a (potentially) useless support request. Sorry, help@. July 12, 2002:Sweeeet... I'm getting linkage from both Labgoats, Inc. and Sometimes Science Sucks! READ THEM NOW OR I HURT YOU BADLY! Problem is, Autokeen still hasn't caught on to when updates are supposed to happen... midnight EST! 9pm PST! Come on, update! And look over there, I've joined my first dropdown, FreshKeen! Though I'll probably take myself off when the comic's a few months old or so. It's only fair. I just asked them to add me today, so don't expect me in for a while... July 9, 2002:Here goes... the next few days are the final testing phase, where everything comes together, goes together, and flies like a flying thing that flies. It's do or die. Glory or failure. Success or death. Stuffing or potatoes. Note: If you see the text "GOOD GRAVY! An ad's supposed to be here!" anywhere in the site, let me know, I must've forgotten to remove it from my working templates... |