The Dementia of Magic
by Nicholas Killewald
-- VOTE! -- Archive -- Cast -- About -- Beans -- Forum -- Links -- Contacts -- EI --
This is no longer the real Dementia of Magic website. You're looking for instead. Thank you.



I am now proud to present, Beans! This is the general art gallery/fanart/etc area. If you send me fanart, it shows up here. If I make full-page drawings and such, they show up here. If I do guest strips for other people, they show up here. If I do anything else DoM-related, it shows up here. Wheefun!

So, what've I got to offer today?

  • The Gallery - My DoM-related drawings and such. Y'know, BESIDES the comic and cast pages.
    Most recent: July 27, 2003
  • Fanart - DoM art from fans of mine. Seriously, I've got fans. And some of them are mighty fine artists.
    Most recent: October 13, 2003
  • Guest Strips (outgoing) - And hey, I'm a fan of other comics, too! Here's any outgoing guest strips I've done.
    Most recent (by original appearance): October 2, 2003
  • Guest Strips (incoming) - And would you look at that? Would you? People've written me guest strips, too!
    Most recent (by original appearance): September 1, 2003


The Dementia of Magic is hosted on Keenspace, a webhosting facility / update automation bit / happy happy funhouse community fun place of fun for webcartoonists.

This comic and all material related to it are ©2002-2003 Nicholas Killewald, except where otherwise noted. Do not redistribute without permission, which I'll probably give if you ask nicely and aren't a jerkface.